In Spain, emeis is committed to the integration of refugees
In Spain, emeis has joined the Tent Partnership for Refugees coalition, along with more than 30 major Spanish companies. Its aim? To help refugees access the labour market through training and job offers.

Tent is a global network of companies committed to the economic integration of refugees. The group launched in Spain brings together emeis and companies such as BBVA, FCC Medio Ambiente, L'Oréal and Marriott International.
Committed to the most vulnerable
‘At emeis, we are committed to the professional integration of refugees, which has become even more obvious in our country due to the war in Ukraine. The alliance between emeis and Tent Spain is a further step in promoting this commitment, says Cristina Cantero, Communications and CSR Director at emeis in Spain. We are the first company in the elderly and dependent care sector to join this network because we truly believe in the contribution of talent without borders and the value of their knowledge.’
Spain currently hosts more than 300,000 refugees and 130,000 asylum seekers from Ukraine, Venezuela and Syria, among other countries. Despite labour shortages in key sectors, few refugees are formally employed, as they face numerous barriers to employment, such as insufficient language skills, transport difficulties or lack of networks. Businesses have an essential role to play in solving these problems, to help remove these obstacles and hire refugees. ‘The increase in global crises and conflicts has brought more refugees to Spain. Companies have a role to play, they have a responsibility to integrate refugees into their work teams, explains Gideon Maltz, CEO of Tent Partnership for Refugees. The efforts of the companies joining Tent Spain today - including emeis - will have a long-term impact, both for the refugees and for the companies themselves.’
A coalition serving member companies and their beneficiaries
All the companies joining Tent share the idea that getting a job is the most important step when trying to rebuild your life. ‘They also recognise the benefits they can gain from hiring refugees, including lower turnover rates, greater employee engagement and positive brand perception, said Amaia Elizalde, Tent's Director for Spain. Tent Spain is here to help make the process as easy and efficient as possible for those companies launching or expanding their refugee hiring efforts.’
Supporting and caring for the most vulnerable is the mission of emeis.By joining Tent for Refugees in Spain and enabling refugees and vulnerable people to work in our establishments, we are working towards a more inclusive and supportive society.